How Is Your “Process” Different or Better Than Other Franchise Consulting Companies?

In general, our approach is simply FAR more thorough, more comprehensive and frankly, more ethical, than our primary competitors. We don’t “short cut” (or eliminate) steps, as many of our competitors do, that are necessary to “learning what you need to learn in order to make an educated decision.” We allow no incentives to get in the way of our offering the absolute best counsel, AND, our consultants are accessible to all clients AFTER they purchase their franchise – not just as they are considering a purchase.

More specifically, you want to know if you’re working with the “right” franchise consultant, correct? Well, a lot depends upon what you want to accomplish – and what you want to avoid. The field of “franchising consulting” has become very confusing, and in some instances, complete with “charlatans.” As examples:

  • One of our “franchise consultant” competitors is really nothing more than a franchise company itself. People, just like you, that inquired about buying a franchise, were convinced to buy this “franchise consulting” business instead. They have no experience in franchising, and their qualifications are simply the ability to “write a large check.” These “consultants” will try to lead you to a franchise that they want you to buy (and not necessarily one that is right for you) so they can receive a large referral fee.

  • Another large firm is franchising its concept in various markets around the world, and has a tendency to sell its concept to highly under-qualified individuals – without even a business background, let alone a franchise background. Not only do these people “fail” as consultants over time because they do not have the experience to represent the industry or service properly, they also do their customers (in need of valid counsel) a severe disservice, and in some instances, even mislead them. 

  • Another competitor has recently converted itself to a franchise company like the one above, but this company really does require that each prospective “consultant” have some industry experience. This company, while highly competent, works with a very limited inventory of franchisors (less than 60 companies) and may not be able to lead you to the kind of business you need. They also specialize in offering “local” service which is really not necessary.

  • Another large competitor (which is not a franchise) has experienced consultants but tends to play franchisors against each other to encourage larger referral fees. Hence, their consultants will frequently take their clients to the company that pays them the highest referral fee. This particular company is really more of a “broker” than a consulting firm – yet they still call themselves “consultants.” They also have a somewhat limited inventory of franchise companies (those willing to pay highest fees.)

  • If you’re not really serious about buying, and you’re just looking for someone to “match” you to various franchises to see what might turn up, there are many “franchise consulting” services and online “tests” that will point you in a direction. But understand that what they are providing you is akin to a “horoscope.” In many instances, their “matches” are not based upon market-validated or scientific profiling, or even industry experience. So, in other words, you’re just getting their “hunch.”

At The YOU Network, we believe you deserve and WANT better service than that. If speaking with any franchise consultant outside of our company, we strongly recommend you check credentials. Most importantly, find out:

  • the length of time your consultant has been in the franchise industry

  • the number of companies they represent (anything less than 75 companies may limit your choices) and whether or not these companies have been pre-screened for performance (The YOU Network offers only companies with very high owner success rates)

  • whether or not they offer integrity (flat fee) pricing, where ALL of their franchisor clients pay the exact same fee, and as a result, there is absolutely NO CHANCE you will be led or “matched” to a company simply because they provide your consultant a greater referral fee

  • whether their “matching” software or “test” has been market-validated or built specifically for franchising

  • what services they offer beyond just “franchise matching” – and, in particular, the support they will provide you once they introduce you to your “franchise matches”

This company was created to provide people an honest, professional, and ethical choice. So if you’re serious about considering franchising and working with the best companies – then you want to work with The YOU Network. We’re the seasoned pros (minimum of 20+ years experience per consultant), the “grey hairs,” the folks with REAL business experience. We provide a FAR more comprehensive service to you – beyond just “matching” – and because ALL of our franchisor clients pay the exact same fee, there is absolutely NO CHANCE you will be led to a company, simply because they provide a greater referral fee.

To even better understand what sets us apart, here’s a sampling of what we DO and DO NOT provide you:

  • We help you assess your skills, financial needs, strengths, weaknesses, aspirations and lifestyle requirements – BUT without gimmicky and unscientific personality “tests” that are no more than marketing ploys. Only The YOU Network utilizes the proven, market-validated Franchise Navigator™ program to assess your individual values and strengths vis-à-vis various specific franchise models. And Franchise Navigator™ is just one tool used by our consultants in ultimately directing you to appropriate franchises. Our consultants supplement the Franchise Navigator with their hard-earned industry experience in order to provide you the optimum counsel and direction you want.

  • We direct you and introduce you to the appropriate franchise concepts that meet your needs – BUT only to franchise companies that have been pre-screened to our rigid performance standards, and that are far more likely to weather the current economic storms — not just any franchise that is in business and is willing to pay a referral fee. All members of The YOU Network’s private client group pay exactly the SAME referral fee – so our consultants have no financial incentive to refer a qualified individual to one company over another. Our ONLY incentive is to see if there is a strong match between an individual and a member of our client group. 

  • We continue to work hand-in-hand with you as you investigate your franchise concepts, so that your evaluation process is focused, thorough, and you learn what you initially need to know about franchising – AND we can be available to you even AFTER you purchase a franchise. With many of our competitors – once you are introduced to your “franchise matches” you see or hear very little from your consultant again, making your investigation process and purchase both stressful and leaving you more uninformed than you would like.

  • We publish a wealth of educational information that assists you in both your evaluation process and in your post-buy efforts to manage your franchise effectively and efficiently – instead of material designed to “convince you to buy a franchise.” Only a franchisor can sell you a franchise – so our only role is to help you make an informed decision about your future.

In short, we provide a service similar to that of a “buyer’s agent” in the world of real estate – only with a few “twists” unique only to franchising that serve to your benefit . And, just like a buyer’s agent, our services to you are complimentary.